radiology TV

RadTV is simple, effective and inexpensive.

SIMPLE: A small box the size of a smart phone plugs into your existing television. This is the RadTV appliance and includes your entire channel lineup. There is no hardware to buy, and no IT professionals are needed to set it up. Simply tell us the services you offer. Or choose the videos you want from our extensive list of high quality, professionally produced radiology video segments. We can even add your practice’s existing videos to your programming.

Our proprietary hardware offers true plug-and-play simplicity. Your desired programming runs in a continuous “loop” on your waiting room television. You just turn your TV on in the morning and off when you leave.

Programming changes are easy, too. Each month you have the opportunity to add or update new video or photo montage segments, or take advantage of our ever-expanding library. We can even create custom videos for your practice, as well as video profiles of your physicians and staff.

EFFECTIVE: Most hospitals, radiology practices and even independent outpatient centers do a poor job of cross-promoting their services to their current patient base. But now, RadTV does it all for you… in a professional, education-based (translation: non-salesy) manner.

RadTV delivers radiology education in a fun and engaging way. Just like a television station, the programming is varied in content and appeal. Some video segments are animated and fun. Others are engaging and thought-provoking. Yet all are designed to inform patients about the breadth of your offering and the expertise of your team.

INEXPENSIVE: Your customized waiting room video, complete with videos that you select, can be as low as $99 per month, per television. All it takes is just one patient to schedule a test or procedure after viewing the video… to more than pay for RadTV.

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